71% of hospitality workers want a pay increase and recognition from their boss, finds study

71% of hospitality workers feel that better pay from their employer would make them feel more valued in the workplace, according to a new study for OpsBase. With staff turnover in the hospitality industry double that of the national average and three in ten leaving their role within a year*, OpsBase commissioned an in-depth study which spoke to 200 workers on the front line of the hospitality industry about what would make them feel most motivated at work.
The new poll reveals that 80% of hotel workers and 73% of pub and bar workers would feel more valued by better pay, compared to 63% of restaurant workers. 28% of hospitality workers in the study also said that having more paid holiday would make them feel more valued and motivated. According to the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics released this month, average weekly earnings for the retail and hospitality industries in the UK are also 39% lower than the national average.
Half of hospitality workers want to feel more appreciated by their boss
The survey also reveals that nearly half (47%) of hospitality workers are seeking greater recognition and appreciation from their managers, while 44% said that feeling more respected by both colleagues and customers alike would make them feel more valued in the workplace. Surprisingly, the study also found that 2 in 5 (40%) hospitality workers felt that improved working conditions could help them feel more valued in their role, indicating a need for employers to review and discuss employment terms, and explore new ways in which they can increase foster healthier communications between team members, peers, reports and customers.
One third want flexible working – and 3 in 5 regularly work late nights
A number of studies have found that flexible working arrangements are becoming increasingly popular across the UK workforce – so much so that half of all UK workers now want it*. OpsBase’s study indicates that this trend also applies to hospitality workers, with 1 in 3 stating that the option to choose shift patterns would have a significantly positive impact on how valued they’d feel in the workplace. That’s perhaps understandable, with the study also revealing that over a third (34%) of hospitality workers regularly do three or more late night shifts a week. Due to the nature of hospitality and the need for restaurants, bars, hotels and venues to be open during unsociable hours, greater flexible working is often a challenge for employers to provide; however there are a number of practical steps that employers can take outlined in OpsBase’s study: https://opsbase.com/staff-turnover-in-hospitality-research-led-tips-on-how-to-retain-your-employees/
Half of hospitality workers are stressed at work
OpsBase’s study also revealed that workplace environments may have a greater impact than simply contributing to staff turnover. Mental health is now one of the most common reasons for sick days among the UK workforce, and 50% of hospitality workers in the OpsBase study also said that they’ve regularly felt stressed or anxious at work. 47% claimed that they’ve even experience low mood in the workplace. With hospitality businesses often open during less sociable hours, it’s no surprise that 44% in the study also regularly felt fatigued after a shift.
“As is the case in many industries, salaries remain a significant motivator for staff working in hospitality. Naturally many employees are looking for financial reward for their hard work and commitment, which may be a significant contributory factor to businesses with a high staff turnover. However, what’s most interesting about this study is that it indicates that there are a number of inexpensive, easy to implement, quick wins that employers could run with that could make a big difference when it comes to holding onto talent and increasing productivity and motivation among workforces. This could be relatively simple things, such as rearranging staff rotas, tidying up the working environment and introducing schemes to reward and recognise high performers,” said Michael Douglas, OpsBase’s Chief Commercial Officer.
OpsBase is a new software platform designed to help hospitality businesses achieve excellence in their operations, people management, issue resolution and communications.
To find out more about OpsBase’s study, visit: https://opsbase.com/staff-turnover-in-hospitality-research-led-tips-on-how-to-retain-your-employees/