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The Antonio Carluccio Foundation extends grants to £500,000 in response to COVID-19

The Antonio Carluccio Foundation, established by the late Antonio Carluccio, supports charities in battling hunger and malnutrition and assisting in the training of otherwise disadvantaged people trying to begin a career in the hospitality sector.

In the face of the COVID-19 crisis and, in particular the significant impact it has had on Antonio’s beloved hospitality sector, the trustees have agreed to make grants in 2020 of up to £500,000.

Funds will be available in support of emergency feeding and to support initiatives involving or benefiting the sector in The UK as well as other projects addressing the impact of COVID-19 in the UK and Italy – Antonio’s birthplace.

Simon Kossoff trustee and CEO of The Antonio Carluccio Foundation commented:

“In these terribly difficult times we want to provide as much support as we can to challenge the impact of COVID-19 both here and Italy and we have no doubt that Antonio would have wanted the same”

Organisations seeking support are invited to contact the trustees through our website