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This Werks: revolutionising job search in Leeds’ thriving hospitality sector

A brand new web app is set to launch in Leeds this spring, hoping to take the stress out of recruiting in smaller businesses and help drive an ambitious sector for the city.


Leeds’ independent hospitality sector has long struggled with the recruitment process; job advertisements in the trade press are prohibitively expensive, whilst flooding your brand’s social accounts with job search posts is alienating for customers. Similarly, the best staff don’t know where to look for potential openings. Enter new firm, Werks.


The new web app by Werks is fully geared-up to match casual workers and top notch chefs across the city with relevant recruitment opportunities.


Masterminded by Justin Taundi and Chris Marshall, Werks was created to help the bars and eateries they like best to continue to function, with the best staff possible.


The app for food, drink and hospitality jobs


Creating a specialised, user-friendly and hassle-free platform, Werks cuts out expensive and inefficient job sites, recruitment agencies, paper CVs and job ads in windows, allowing smaller businesses with limited means the scope to hire the best available talent.


Businesses and candidates can post, or search, for permanent jobs. The instant chat function, alongside the technology’s “Werks Suitability Score”, means that users can connect with their dream employers, and likewise, businesses can search out and chat with their dream talent.


The user’s profile acts as their CV whilst business profiles showcase their business. Compatibility scores rest on a range of markers, including location, interests, goals and availability.


Brand co-founder Justin says: :


“Why Leeds? Leeds has one of the most exciting hospitality scenes, with unrivaled growth year-on-year. The city is forward-thinking; the tech and digital industries are exciting, and somewhat interlinked with the hospitality industry. It’s also our city that we know and love. We have great people to collaborate with, in a market we know, and it was therefore a good place to start!”


Werks’ founders Chris and Justin are also committed to building a socially-conscious business. They want to contribute to eradicating injustice, from a labour and workforce angle, so 2% of all revenue will be donated to Modern Slavery Charities, starting with