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Herald increases Bagasse range to meet demand

Herald has expanded its range of bagasse items, which sit alongside the quality disposables manufacturer and supplier’s selection of biodegradable, paper, single and double wall, 8 oz, 12 oz and 16 oz hot paper cups, in a bid to add further value and range to its offering, while meeting the demand for greener products.

The bagasse range now includes square, round and rectangle plates, in varying sizes, bowls and hot boxes, chip trays, burger boxes, noodle boxes and other lunch boxes – all of which are expected to appeal to the food to go market.

Herald has stayed ahead of the trend for environmentally friendly and alternative products in recent years, introducing natural birchwood cutlery, stirrers and skewers, alongside a cornstarch cutlery range – which looks and feels like plastic but is natural and completely biodegradable. Targeting the takeaway and convenience markets, as well as the general catering industry, the company supplies direct and via wholesale channels to meet all of its customers’ needs.

Managing director of Herald, Yogesh Patel comments on the company’s current focus: “We’re aware that the market is currently being driven by a demand for greener products however our customers appreciate the widest possible selection of such goods so that they can make a considered choice based on what is best for their business model.

“Our primary concern will always be to offer our customers affordable quality, providing the greatest variety and ensuring a full range containing all options, including biodegradable products.The bagasse range sits alongside our wood, cornstarch and plastic offerings to give the most varied choice.”

With over thirty years since its inception, Herald is renowned for its vast catalogue of goods that provides an unrivalled breadth of choice. It’s been careful not to sacrifice quality for price and adheres to a standard, refusing to stock products that fall below a certain grade in order to protect the company’s reputation and its customers’ expectation.

For further information on Herald and its products, log on to or call 0208 507 7900.