How Regular Deep Cleaning Keeps Your Kitchen Clean & Efficient

When carried out regularly and correctly, by a professional commercial cleaning company, there are ways in which a kitchen deep clean will help keep your kitchen not only a clean space but an efficient one. In fact, a kitchen deep clean can help your business in more ways than you realise.
Here are just some of the ways kitchen deep cleans will positively impact your commercial kitchen and its running…
Minimise The Spread Of Disease
This more than ever is one of the biggest benefits of restaurant kitchen deep cleans, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the outbreak of Coronavirus, it’s been crucial to mitigate the risk as much as possible. A deep clean will fully sanitise your kitchen surface and equipment. Coronavirus aside, a kitchen deep clean will also help reduce the spread of foodborne diseases too. The presence of food unfortunately comes with an increased chance of diseases such as salmonella, e.coli, norovirus and more. Just as a kitchen deep clean helps prevent the spread of COVID-19, so too will it help mitigate the risk of diseases such as salmonella being present on your kitchen surfaces and tools, making it a much safer environment in which to prepare food.
Increase Hygiene Overall
Deep cleans are fantastic for helping to improve the overall health of a kitchen and dining area as it includes more rigorous cleaning of surfaces, equipment, sinks and taps as well as storage areas. This heightened level of cleaning will not only ensure your kitchen and dining facilities look cleaner but are free from any potentially harmful microorganisms that could cause problems for both yourself, your team and of course your customer base.
Remain Compliant With Health Regulations
Whether you’re providing a service for walk-in or takeaway customers, or simply cooking for staff, there will be specific food regulations which are set by the government in order to keep everyone safe. By ensuring you have regular deep cleans carried out at every opportunity, you can ensure your kitchen is compliant with local regulations and laws. What’s more, a professional company will have a greater knowledge of the legislation you need to stick to in order to stay on the right side of the law, ensuring you do so during each clean.
Reduces The Risk Of Pest Infestation
Kitchens store food and as a result, are attractive to pests. If your kitchen isn’t cleaned and food not stored correctly, you may find yourself falling victim to an infestation. With deep cleaning, you can ensure your food is disposed of correctly and stored properly. You can also ensure your kitchen space is thoroughly cleaned and not attracting pests in the first place. From under appliances and behind cupboards to kitchen ventilation systems, deep cleaning will reduce the risk of infestation hugely.
Ensure Equipment Is Working Correctly
It’s important, especially in a commercial environment, to ensure your equipment lasts as long as possible. It’s also important to ensure minimal downtime too. Not only will this save you money but it allows your staff to be as efficient as possible with the help of correctly working machinery. A kitchen deep clean is the ideal way to do this as it ensures your equipment is cleaned thoroughly and regularly, avoiding malfunction through grease and grime build up.
Improve Mood & Efficiency
As cliche as it may sound, a clean kitchen is an efficient kitchen. Regular deep cleans will help create a more inviting space for your team and create a happy workplace, improving mood and in turn, improving efficiency as they feel more confident in their work environment.
Contact The Experts
If you’d like more information on kitchen deep cleans and how it could help ensure your kitchen is more clean and efficient, contact Grease Gone today on 020 88663 413.