uComply and Evolve Hospitality Receive Glowing Comments After Immigration Visit
Immigration has been and continues to be a hot potato. The risks of employing people who do not have the Right to Work in certain sectors such as construction, care and hospitality (as demonstrated by the Home Office initiative Operation Magnify statistics over the last year) are an ever present feature. Recent media coverage around certain construction firms and restaurant chains coupled with changes in the last two Immigration Acts 2014 and 2016 make it a very sensitive area.
Evolve Hospitality, a recruitment company supplying staff to top end clients in the hospitality sector naturally have a diverse population of workers so, it is absolutely essential to them and their clients that any staff supplied (from Chefs to Front of House personnel) are legal.
After an extensive trawl of solutions in the market, in January 2016 they installed uComply’s system uAuthenticate to bolster their Right to Work procedures.
The value of uAuthenticate became apparent almost immediately as Jo-Mandi Templeton, London Operations Manager explains “It became clear very quickly just how vital UAuthenticate was for our compliance with the Right to Work legislation. Within two weeks of installing uAuthenticate the first fraudulent document was identified. Since then we regularly detect forged documents, especially EU ID cards, every month.”
Jo-Mandi continued, “At the beginning of last September we had an immigration inspection of our Right to Work procedures after which we received the comment that ‘our processes were among the best they have ever seen’. Some of the credit must go to our partnership with uComply. Not only is their solution uAuthenticate the most thorough and professional system on the market but, they are an exceptionally good company to work with, being fantastically responsive and pro-active.”
Jo-Mandi also added, “Another benefit of having a system like uAuthenticate in place is that by giving potential clients confidence in our compliance, it has already helped us to win a number of tenders and contracts.”
Kim-Marie Freeston MD of uComply said “We always aim to provide the highest levels of service to our clients and I am delighted to have received such a vote of confidence from Jo-Mandi at Evolve Hospitality. We know that Evolve are proactive in their approach around the compliance process and interact regularly with Jo-Mandi and her team finding them eager to ensure the Right to Work checks are as thorough as they can be.”
Kim-Marie added “technology can help all employers tighten up their process around Right to Work and I believe that eventually solutions like ours will be commonplace throughout the industry. We have already seen public bodies mandating scanning solutions to check ID documents from their workforce suppliers and it’s only a matter of time before this filters down into the private sector.”
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